To: All Riverside Lakes (RSL) homeowners and residents
From: SID 177 Board
Topic: Implementation of RSL Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program (AISPP)
Date: May 7, 2020
The boat ramp gate locks have been changed. The AISPP (passed in July 2018) are the rules for all watercraft at RSL.
A quick summary of these procedures:
1. All access to open a lock on either lake will now only be through the keyholders listed below. You must call one of them to get a watercraft on or off the lakes or to allow access by any workers who need to get to your property via the water;
2. To get the gate unlocked and put any watercraft on the lakes, you will need to provide written proof of liability insurance on each watercraft to the keyholder;
3. The keyholders will register each watercraft on SID provided forms and issue a unique numbered sticker to you to place on each watercraft- this shows us that this is a registered RSL resident watercraft.
4. If you remove your watercraft from RSL lakes, you will need a keyholder to open the lock/gate. That keyholder will place a plastic strap from your watercraft’s front loop to your trailer. If your watercraft returns to RSL with the plastic strap intact, you will get immediate access back onto either RSL lake (for example, if you had mechanical work done on your watercraft and it did not leave the trailer). If the plastic strap is broken, tampered with or gone, you will have to show written proof of professional cleaning/decontamination of the watercraft before it will be allowed back onto RSL lakes. There is a procedure of dry docking of the watercraft (as detailed in the AISPP document) when a new plastic strap would be applied to insure the watercraft has not been taken off the trailer and did not enter any other water body during the drydock period.
5. Keyholders / phone numbers:
John Lingo
Bob Westley
Chris Perchal
Robert Lynn
Bryce Anderson
Chad Perkins
TJ Holzapfel
Chris Imm
Jim Watson
Sandy Erwin
Rob Hessman
Shane Welsh
Jerry Sterkel
* Consult your Riverside Lakes Directory to get the phone numbers to each of the key holders
6. If you want a full copy of the RSL AISPP, call John Lingo.
7. These policies are not flexible, so please do not ever ask a keyholder to make an exception. These policies will help us all maintain the quality of our lakes and the value of our homes.
8. Keep your “old” boat ramp keys. They may have some future use for access to SID property.
9. The current list of keyholders will be posted on the bulletin board near the RSL entrance.
The Riveside Lakes Boat Registration Form (both pages) can be found below. Please fill out the form ahead of time.