
2025 SID 177 Board Members

Loretta Pierce - Chairperson
317 Lakehurst Drive

Mike Campagna - Lakes
307 Lakehurst Drive

Jim Chiesa- Grounds
230 Riverside Drive

Shane Welsh - Water/Sewer Plants
261 Lakehurst Drive

Dick McKie - Clerk
22706 Shouthshore Drive

SID OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW Sanitary and Improvement District No. 177 of Douglas County, Nebraska (the “District”) is a governmental subdivision authorized under the statues of the State of Nebraska.

The five members that comprise the Board of Trustees (“Board”) are elected for two year terms by the real estate owners in the District. The Board has governs over all activities related to streets, utility systems, public improvements and common areas (including parks, playgrounds, trails, etc.). The Board authorizes and pays the bills related to activities that Board governs within the jurisdiction of the District.

The source of funding to pay the District’s expenses and operations is through the County Treasurer’s office collection of property taxes. Thus, the major source of funding for the District is provided by the property taxes collected by the County and remitted to the District in March and August. The Board is responsible for creating an operating budget that is filed with the County and State. Every September the District adopts an annual operating budget with the assistance of the District’s certified public accountants. The budget, in effect, is the tax request for funds to be assessed and collected by the county for the District’s annual operations.

The Districts fiscal year is from July 1st to June 30th each year. The financial accountability is reviewed by an annual audit prepared by the District’s CPA firm. The levels of debt, asset valuation and borrowing capacity are monitored on an annual basis by the “fiscal agent” for the District (i.e. DA Davidson Co.).

The chairman presides over meetings of the board of trustees and conducts its business in an orderly fashion. Helps to guide fellow board members in achieving consensus and unity, motivate other board members to carry out their board responsibilities, stay informed on issues relating to the District.

The clerk’s responsibilities include making sure the District stays within its annual budget by overseeing and signing and recording of warrants (i.e. vouchers used to pay District expenses); recording receipts and disbursements of money; preserving accounts; record tax levies; payment of taxes for the District to Douglas County and performs other duties required by law.

The streets and grounds trustee’s primary responsibility is to oversee the maintenance and development of the District’s streets and physical property. In the spring the streets are swept, in the summer the streets need to be evaluated and have slabs replaced and pot holes repaired, and in the fall they need to be sealed. Grounds responsibilities are multifaceted and include coordinating the mowing and maintenance of the District’s grounds and property. Throughout the year, needs are determined, bids are solicited, proposals are submitted to the Board and if passed, the trustee oversees that the work is completed in a satisfactory manor.

The water and waste water trustee’s responsibilities include the overseeing of the water / waste water contractor (i.e. People Service Inc.) to ensure sustainable water quality within the district, testing of water, maintenance and upkeep of the water and waste water facilities, water main issues and the flushing of the fire hydrants. Monthly review of District’s water bill to check water usage and amounts paid. Throughout the year, needs are determined, bids are solicited, proposals are submitted to the Board and if passed, the trustee oversees that the work is completed in a satisfactory manner.

The lakes trustee’s responsibilities are to ensure that lakes are in viable condition. This trustee works in conjunction with the maintenance contractor over fish stocking of the lakes, the treatment of lakes at times of need, evaluating the lake water levels to determine if there is a need to pump water in or pump water out of the lakes. The lakes trustee also oversees the maintenance of the pumps to assure that they remain in good operating condition. Throughout the year, needs are determined, bids are solicited, proposals are submitted to the Board and if passed, the trustee oversees that the work is completed in a satisfactory manner.